Simple Family Service

£ 2 900

Every individual deserves a dignified farewell at a reasonable price, and that is why we have created a range of options to meet your requirements.

Whatever service you select, you can rest assured that you and your loved one will receive the best possible treatment.

In choosing us, you can be assured of receiving a caring, compassionate service, and you can spend less on much more for your loved one.

  • Bringing your loved one into our care
  • Care, preparation and laying to rest of the deceased.
  • Unlimited visiting time with your loved one (during working hours).
  • Meeting with you to discuss arrangements, advice on certification, registration and other documentation.
  • Arrangement of the funeral at a date and time of your choosing.
  • All administrative & legal paperwork.
  • The payment of all necessary disbursement fees.
  • Reception and care of the floral tributes
  • Provision and payment of Doctors certificates.
  • Oak, Elm or Mahogany wood veneered coffin.
  • Transport to the Crematorium in a formal Hearse.
  • Provision and attendance of pall bearers and Funeral Director.
  • Payment all Crematorium Fees.
  • Setting up a dedicated obituary & memorial web page.
  • Enabling charitable donations online to a chosen charity and a list of donors if required.
  • Provision of ashes in a Scatter Tube or biodegradable container.
  • The services of Minister or Civil Celebrant to conduct the service.
  • Design, Layout and Printing of up to 50 Order of Service Booklets.

Our Detailed Pricelist

For Bespoke pricing, please download our detailed pricing here